New CRE Retail Analytics Software Launched - Void Stacker
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Rafael, CA 1/14/2017 VoidStacker, Inc. has announced the release of it's big data web application to help brokers analyze the local retail/office market around a property and help fill vacancies faster. VoidStacker is an affordable, unlimited monthly use application designed to be a broker's favorite tool for analyzing the local retail market enabling them to provide higher service level to the owner/landlords or tenants they are representing. Co-founder, David Nevin commented "I started as a retail owner/asset manager who wanted to ensure we were recruiting new tenants from underserved retail categories for our vacancies to ensure their success in our properties. The brokers I worked with would buy government SIC data, use Google maps/other void analysis tools that didn't have complete data, or drive/walk to canvas the local market. Then when they got a prospective tenant, if they weren't in a category they had already analyzed, the work started over to analyze the local competition. Now we enable that analysis in a few clicks. My brokers are busy representing multiple tenants or owners, so I wanted the time they are spending on my properties to be spent recruiting tenants to fill my vacancies faster, not collecting data." Void Stacker will analyze ALL the retailers(currently over 5M) around an address, allowing the broker to easily identify categories which are oversaturated or underrepresented, the number being different for each retail category. A local market can sustain more coffee or deli/sandwich shops than home improvement or medical clinics. Prospective tenants are always asking "what's my local competition?", so Void Stacker added the ability to map just the category the prospective tenant is within, and show the driving distance/time from competitors to the vacant location. The application also has the ability to show retail tenants that are already in the greater trade area, but outside a local service area, including contact information for a broker to contact them via phone/mail to move or expand to the vacancy. A broker can track communication with prospective tenants, and generate status reports for themselves, or email a co-worker or owner instantly, rather than scheduling status update calls. According to Jason Fessinger, a Partner from Strategic Retail Group specializing in retail leasing in Arizona for over 10 years, "We differentiate our services based on our knowledge and analysis of the local market. Void Stacker allows us to be way more efficient with our time by saving 3-5 hours per week in analysis and reporting thereby being able to the owners or tenants we work with concrete numbers on the local market in an almost immediate fashion." David Nevin has over 25 years of enterprise software and 10 years of commercial real estate owner & asset management experience. "We first built VoidStacker for our own use because we know first hand the costs of a vacancy, every month a space remains vacant costs the broker and owner real dollars, and leasing space to a tenant in an oversaturated category meant turnover every few years. I know first hand that landlord & tenant relationships are improved when the tenants are doing well in a location. The CRE marketplace is evolving from matching owners/landlords with tenants, to brokers being a trusted advisor providing data and analysis to their clients to enable better and faster decisions, we will continue to deliver innovative software tools to facilitate these advisory relationships. Based on broker interest, we've commercialized the application as a cloud-based, big data web service for their use in the office, or tablet on tenant tours" Mark Keyzers, a partner with NAI Alliance serving the Northern Nevada region, commented, "Void Stacker allows me to collaborate with my owners and tenants on the local penetration of a retail category, and the owners/landlord's I'm working can identify categories they want to fill their vacancies easily and communicate with me over email on status updates, so I can focus on finding the right tenant(s)." Contact Void Stacker at [email protected] to schedule a 15-minute demo of the service. Try the App for FREE here: Void Stacker App.